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it sat heavy on his conscience

  • 1 sit

    present participle - sitting; verb
    1) (to (cause to) rest on the buttocks; to (cause to) be seated: He likes sitting on the floor; They sat me in the chair and started asking questions.) sentar(se)
    2) (to lie or rest; to have a certain position: The parcel is sitting on the table.) estar, encontrarse
    3) ((with on) to be an official member of (a board, committee etc): He sat on several committees.) ser miembro (de), formar parte (de)
    4) ((of birds) to perch: An owl was sitting in the tree by the window.) posarse
    5) (to undergo (an examination).) presentarse (a)
    6) (to take up a position, or act as a model, in order to have one's picture painted or one's photograph taken: She is sitting for a portrait/photograph.) posar
    7) ((of a committee, parliament etc) to be in session: Parliament sits from now until Christmas.) reunirse
    - sitting
    - sit-in
    - sitting-room
    - sitting target
    - sitting duck
    - sit back
    - sit down
    - sit out
    - sit tight
    - sit up

    sit vb
    1. sentarse
    2. estar sentado
    transitive verb (pt & pp sat, ger sitting)
    1 (child etc) sentar ( down, -)
    2 (room, hall, etc) tener cabida para; (table) ser para
    3 SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL (exam) presentarse a
    1 (action) sentarse ( down, -)
    sit down, please siéntense, por favor
    sit! ¡siéntate!
    2 (be seated) estar sentado,-a
    3 (village, building) ubicarse, hallarse, estar, situarse; (object) estar; (clothes) sentar, quedar
    4 (person) quedarse
    don't just sit there! ¡no te quedes allí sentado!
    5 SMALLART/SMALL (model) posar ( for, para)
    6 (bird) posarse (on, en); (hen on eggs) empollar (on, -)
    7 (be a member) ser miembro (on, de), formar parte (on, de)
    8 (parliament etc) reunirse (en sesión)
    the House sat until 2.00 am la Cámara estuvo reunida hasta las 2.00
    1 SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL (represent) representar ( for, a), ser diputado,-a ( for, por)
    1 familiar (babysit) hacer de canguro ( for, a)
    to sit on one's hands cruzarse de brazos, estar mano sobre mano
    to sit on somebody's tail pisarle los talones a alguien
    to sit on the fence ver los toros desde la barrera, nadar entre dos aguas
    to sit tight mantenerse en sus trece, quedarse en un sitio
    to sit up and take notice prestar atención
    sit ['sɪt] v, sat ['sæt] ; sitting vi
    1) : sentarse, estar sentado
    he sat down: se sentó
    2) roost: posarse
    3) : sesionar
    the legislature is sitting: la legislatura está en sesión
    4) pose: posar (para un retrato)
    5) lie, rest: estar (ubicado)
    the house sits on a hill: la casa está en una colina
    sit vt
    seat: sentar, colocar
    I sat him on the sofa: lo senté en el sofá
    siéntate expr.
    (§ p.,p.p.: sat) = empollar v.
    encobar v.
    presentarse para un examen v.
    sentar v.
    sentarse v.
    (pres p sitting; past & past p sat) intransitive verb
    a) ( sit down) sentarse*
    b) ( be seated) estar* sentado

    don't just sit there: do something! — no te quedes ahí sentado: haz algo!

    to be sitting pretty — (colloq) estar* bien situado or (fam) colocado

    a) ( Art)

    to sit (FOR somebody/something) — \<\<for artist/photograph\>\> posar (para algn/algo)

    b) (Adm, Govt)

    to sit in Congress — tener* un escaño en el Congreso, ser* diputado/senador; see also sit on 1)

    c) ( be in session) \<\<committee/court\>\> reunirse* en sesión, sesionar (esp AmL)
    3) ( weigh)
    4) ( brood) \<\<hen/bird\>\> empollar
    5) sitting pres p < figure> sentado

    sitting tenant — (BrE) inquilino, -na m,f ( a quien no se puede desalojar)

    sit vt
    1) ( cause to be seated) \<\<person\>\> sentar*; \<\<object\>\> poner*, colocar* ( en posición vertical)
    2) (BrE Educ)

    to sit an exam — hacer* or dar* or (CS) rendir* or (Méx) tomar un examen, examinarse (Esp)

    Phrasal Verbs:
    [sɪt] (pt, pp sat)
    1. VI
    1) (=be seated) [person] estar sentado; [bird] estar posado; [hen] (on eggs) empollar

    don't just sit there, do something! — ¡no te quedes ahí sentado, haz algo!

    are you sitting comfortably? — ¿estás cómodo (en la silla)?

    to sit still/straight — estarse or (LAm) quedarse quieto/ponerse derecho (en la silla)

    will you sit still! — ¡te quieres estar or quedar quieto (en la silla)!

    - be sitting pretty

    to sit tight —

    "sit tight, I'll be right back" — -no te muevas, ahora vuelvo

    fence 1., 1)
    2) (=sit down) sentarse; (=alight) [bird] posarse

    sit by me — siéntate a mi lado, siéntate conmigo

    sit! (to dog) ¡quieto!

    3) (Art, Phot) (=pose)

    to sit for a painter/a portrait — posar para un pintor/un retrato

    4) (Educ)
    5) (Brit)

    to sit for Bury — representar a Bury, ser diputado de or por Bury

    to sit in Parliament — ser diputado, ser miembro del Parlamento

    sit on
    6) (=be in session) [assembly] reunirse, celebrar sesión
    7) (=be situated) [object] estar colocado; [building] estar situado
    8) (=weigh)

    it sat heavy on his conscience — le pesaba en la conciencia, le producía remordimientos de conciencia

    9) (=be compatible)

    his authoritarian style did not sit well with their progressive educational policies — su estilo autoritario era poco compatible con la política educativa activa de ellos

    10) (=to fit) [clothing] sentar

    to sit well/badly (on sb) — sentar bien/mal (a algn)

    11) (=babysit) cuidar a los niños
    2. VT
    1) [+ person] sentar; [+ object] colocar
    2) (=have capacity for)

    the concert hall sits 2,000 (people) — el auditorio tiene cabida or capacidad para 2.000 personas

    3) [+ exam, test] presentarse a

    to sit an examination in French — presentarse a un examen de francés, examinarse de francés

    * * *
    (pres p sitting; past & past p sat) intransitive verb
    a) ( sit down) sentarse*
    b) ( be seated) estar* sentado

    don't just sit there: do something! — no te quedes ahí sentado: haz algo!

    to be sitting pretty — (colloq) estar* bien situado or (fam) colocado

    a) ( Art)

    to sit (FOR somebody/something) — \<\<for artist/photograph\>\> posar (para algn/algo)

    b) (Adm, Govt)

    to sit in Congress — tener* un escaño en el Congreso, ser* diputado/senador; see also sit on 1)

    c) ( be in session) \<\<committee/court\>\> reunirse* en sesión, sesionar (esp AmL)
    3) ( weigh)
    4) ( brood) \<\<hen/bird\>\> empollar
    5) sitting pres p < figure> sentado

    sitting tenant — (BrE) inquilino, -na m,f ( a quien no se puede desalojar)

    sit vt
    1) ( cause to be seated) \<\<person\>\> sentar*; \<\<object\>\> poner*, colocar* ( en posición vertical)
    2) (BrE Educ)

    to sit an exam — hacer* or dar* or (CS) rendir* or (Méx) tomar un examen, examinarse (Esp)

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > sit

  • 2 sit

    sit [sɪt]
    (preterite, past participle sat)
       a. s'asseoir
    sit! (to dog) assis !
    don't just sit there, do something! ne reste pas là à ne rien faire !
       b. [bird, insect] se poser
       c. [committee, assembly] siéger
       d. [dress, coat] tomber ( on sb sur qn)
       a. asseoir ; ( = invite to sit) faire asseoir
       b. [+ exam] passer
    sit-down strike grève f sur le tas sit-in noun [of demonstrators] sit-in m ; [of workers] grève f sur le tas
    to sit idly by (while...) rester sans rien faire (pendant que...) sit down
    asseoir ; ( = invite to sit) faire asseoir
    [+ news, report] garder le silence sur ; [+ file, document] garder pour soi
       a. ( = sit upright) se redresser
       b. ( = stay up) veiller
    * * *
    [sɪt] 1.
    transitive verb (p prés - tt-; prét, pp sat)
    1) ( put)

    to sit somebody in/near — asseoir quelqu'un dans/près de

    to sit something on/near — placer quelque chose sur/près de

    2) GB School, University se présenter à, passer [exam]
    intransitive verb (p prés - tt-; prét, pp sat)
    1) ( take a seat) s'asseoir
    2) ( be seated) être assis; [bird] être perché (on sur)
    3) [committee, court] siéger

    to sit asêtre [judge, magistrate]

    to sit onfaire partie de [committee, jury]

    5) ( fit)

    to sit well/badly (on somebody) — [suit, jacket] bien/mal tomber (sur quelqu'un)

    power sits lightly on herfig le pouvoir ne lui pèse guère

    7) Agriculture, Zoology

    to sit oncouver [eggs]

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-French dictionary > sit

  • 3 sit

    present participle - sitting; verb
    1) (to (cause to) rest on the buttocks; to (cause to) be seated: He likes sitting on the floor; They sat me in the chair and started asking questions.) sedeti; posaditi
    2) (to lie or rest; to have a certain position: The parcel is sitting on the table.) ležati
    3) ((with on) to be an official member of (a board, committee etc): He sat on several committees.) biti član
    4) ((of birds) to perch: An owl was sitting in the tree by the window.) sedeti
    5) (to undergo (an examination).) opravljati (izpit)
    6) (to take up a position, or act as a model, in order to have one's picture painted or one's photograph taken: She is sitting for a portrait/photograph.) pozirati
    7) ((of a committee, parliament etc) to be in session: Parliament sits from now until Christmas.) zasedati
    - sitting
    - sit-in
    - sitting-room
    - sitting target
    - sitting duck
    - sit back
    - sit down
    - sit out
    - sit tight
    - sit up
    * * *
    I [sit]
    intransitive verb
    sedeti; (o kokoši) sedeti na jajcih, valiti; čepeti; sedeti kot model (slikarju); biti za vzorec; imeti sedež, bivati; ležati; pristajati (o obleki); opravljati službo (navadno) sedé; biti član kakega telesa ( on a jury porote); zastopati v parlamentu ( for koga); imeti sejo, zasedati; sesti (on na); zaposliti se ( over s čim); študirati ( under pri kom);
    transitive verb
    sedeti (v sedlu), imeti sedež na ( a mule mezgu); posaditi ( the hen on eggs kokošja jajca)
    to sit on the bench figuratively biti sodnik
    to sit on the fence politics slang figuratively stati ob strani, ne se opredeliti, biti nevtralen
    to sit in judgement on s.o. — lastiti si pravico sojenja drugih, soditi, kritizirati koga
    to sit on one's hands figuratively ne aplavdirati
    to sit for one's picture — dati se slikati, sedeti (pozirati) za svojo sliko (portret)
    he is sitting pretty — on je v dobrem položaju, ima dober položaj
    to sit pretty slang imeti dobre karte, figuratively dobro se goditi (komu)
    to sit upon s.o. figuratively sedeti na kom, jahati koga
    don't you be sat upon! colloquially ne pusti se hruliti!
    to sit tight colloquially ostati neomahljivo na svojem mestu, vztrajati pri stvari
    to sit on the throne — sedeti na prestolu, vladati
    II [sit]
    slang see situation

    English-Slovenian dictionary > sit

  • 4 अन्तर् _antar

    अन्तर् ind. [अम्-अरन्-तुडागमश्च Uṇ.5.6, अमेस्तुट् च]
    1 (Used as a prefix to verbs and regarded as a preposition or गति) (a) In the middle, between; in, into, inside; ˚हन्, ˚धा, ˚गम्, ˚भू, ˚इ, ˚ली &c. (b) Under.
    -2 (Used adverbially) (a) Between, be- twixt, amongst, within; in the middle or interior, inside (opp. वहिः); अदह्यतान्तः R.2.32 burnt within himself, at heart; अन्तरेव विहरन् दिवानिशम् R.19.6 in the palace, in the harem; so ˚भिन्नं भ्रमति हृदयम् Māl. 5.2; अन्तर्विभेद Dk.13; यदन्तस्तन्न जिह्वायाम् Pt.4.88; अन्तर्यश्च मृग्यते V.1.1 internally, in the mind. (b) By way of seizing or holding; अन्तर्हत्वा गतः (हतं परिगृह्य).
    -3 (As a separable preposition) (a) In, into, between, in the middle, inside, within, (with loc.); निवसन्नन्तर्दारुणि लङ्घ्यो वह्निः Pt.1.31; अन्तरादित्ये Ch. Up., अन्तर्वेश्मनि Ms.7 223; Y.3.31; अप्स्वन्तरमृतमप्सु Rv.1. 23.19. अप्सु मे सोमो$ब्रवीदन्तर् विश्वानि भेषजा ibid. (b) Between (with acc.) Ved. अन्तर्मही बृहती रोदसीमे Rv. 7.87.2; अन्तर्देवान् मर्त्यांश्च 8.2.4; हिरण्मय्योर्ह कुश्योरन्तर- वहित आस Śat. Br. (c) In, into, inside, in the interior, in the midst (with gen.); प्रतिबलजलधेरन्तरौर्वायमाणे Ve. 3.7; अन्तःकञ्चुकिकञ्चुकस्य Ratn.2.3; बहिरन्तश्च भूतानाम् Bg.13.15; त्वमग्ने सर्वभूतानामन्तश्चरसि साक्षिवत् Y.2.14; लघुवृत्तितया भिदां गतं बहिरन्तश्च नृपस्य मण्डलम् Ki.2.53; अन्तरीपं यदन्तर्वारिणस्तटम् Ak.; oft. in comp. at the end; कूपान्तः पतितः Pt.5; सभान्तः साक्षिणः प्राप्तान् Ms.8.79; दन्तान्तरधि- ष्ठितम् Ms.5.141 between the teeth; उत्पित्सवो$न्तर्नदभर्तुः Śi.3.77; also in compound with a following word; अहं सदा शरीरान्तर्वासिनी ते सरस्वती Ks.4.11.
    -4 It is fre- quently used as the first member of compounds in the sense of 'internally', 'inside', 'within', 'in the inte- rior', 'having in the interior', 'filled with', 'having concealed within', or in the sense of 'inward', 'internal', 'secret', 'hidden' &c., forming Adverbial, Bahuvrīhi or Tatpuruṣa compounds; कुन्दमन्तस्तुषारम् (Bah. comp.) Ś.5.19 filled with dew; ˚स्तोयम् (Bah. comp.) Me.66; अन्तर्गिरि (Adv. comp.) Ki.1.34; ज्वलयति तनूमन्तर्दाहः (Tat. comp.) U.3.31; so ˚कोपः, ˚कोणः, ˚आकूतम् &c.
    -5 It is also supposed to be a particle of assent (स्वीकारार्थक). (Note. In comp. the र् of अन्तर् is changed to a visarga before hard consonants, as अन्तः- करणम्, अन्तःस्थ &c.). [cf. L. inter; Zend antare; Goth. undar; Pers. andar; Gr. entos;].
    -Comp. -अंसः the breast (= अंतरा-अंस q. v.).
    -अग्निः inward fire, the fire which stimulates digestion; दीप्तान्तरग्निपरिशुद्धकोष्ठः Susr.
    -अंङ्ग a.
    1 inward, internal, comprehended, included (with abl.); त्रयमन्तरङ्ग पूर्वेभ्यः Pat Sūtra.
    -2 proximate, related to, essential to or referring to the essential part of the अङ्ग or base of a word (opp. बहिरङ्ग); धातूपसर्गयोः कार्यमन्तरङ्गम् P.VIII.3.74 Sk.
    -3 dear, most beloved (अत्यन्तप्रिय); स्वपिति सुखमिदा- नीमन्तरङ्गः कुरङ्गः Ś.4.v.l.
    (-अङ्गम्) 1 the inmost limb or organ, the heart, mind; सन्तुष्टान्तरङ्गः Dk.11; ˚वृत्ति 21; the interior.
    -2 an intimate friend, near or con- fidential person (forming, as it were, part of oneself); मदन्तरङ्गभूताम् Dk.81,93,11; राजान्तरङ्गभावेन 135; अन्तरङ्गेषु राज्यभारं समर्प्य*** 159.
    -3 an essential or indispensable part, as श्रवण, मनन & निदिध्यासन in realizing Brahman.
    -4 What is intimately connected or related; अन्तरङ्गबहिरङ्ग- योरन्तरङ्ग बलीयः ŚB. on MS.12.2.29.
    - अवयव an inner part; P.V.4.62.
    -आकाशः the ether or Brahman that resides in the heart of man (a term often occurring in the Upaniṣads).
    -आकूतम् secret or hidden intention.
    -आगमः an additional augment between two letters,
    -आगारम् the interior of a house; स्त्रीनक्तमन्तरा- गारबहिःशत्रुकृतांस्तथा Y.2.31.
    -आत्मन् m. (त्मा)
    1 the inmost spirit or soul, the soul or mind; also the internal feelings, the heart, अङ्गुष्ठमात्रपुरुषोन्तरात्मा Śvet.; नास्य प्रत्यक- रोद्वीर्यं विक्लवेनान्तरात्मना Rām.6.13.28. गतिमस्यान्तरात्मनः Ms.6.73; जीवसंज्ञोन्तरात्मान्यः सहजः सर्वदेहिनाम् 12.13; मद्- गतेनान्तरात्मना Bg.6.47 with the heart fixed on me; जातो ममायं विशदः प्रकामं...... अन्तरात्मा Ś.4.22, U.3.38, प्रायः सर्वो भवति करुणावृत्तिरार्द्रान्तरात्मा Me.95.
    -2 (In phil.) the inherent supreme spirit or soul (residing in the in- terior of man); अन्तरात्मासि देहिनाम् Ku.6.21.
    -आपणः a market in the heart (inside) of a town.
    -आय, -आल; See s. v.
    -आराम a. rejoicing in oneself, finding pleasure in his soul or heart; यो$न्तःसुखोन्तरारामस्तथान्तर्जर्यो- तिरेव सः Bg.5.24.
    -इन्द्रियम् an internal organ or sense.
    -उष्यम् Ved. a secret abode.
    -करणम् the internal organ; the heart, soul; the seat of thought and feeling, thinking faculty, mind, conscience; प्रमाणं ˚प्रवृत्तयः Ś.1.22; सबाह्य ˚णः अन्तरात्मा V.4 the soul in all its senses external and internal, the inner and outer man; दयार्द्रभावमाख्यातमन्तःकरणैर्विशङ्कैः R.2.11. According to the Vedānta अन्तःकरण is of four kinds: मनो बुद्धिरहङ्कार- श्चित्तं करणमान्तरम् । संशयो निश्चयो गर्वः स्मरणं विषया इमे ॥ अन्तःकरणं त्रिविधम् Sāṅkhya 33, i. e. बुद्धयहङ्कारमनांसि; सान्तःकरणा बुद्धिः 35, i. e. अहङ्कारमनःसहिता.
    -कल्पः a certain number of years (with Buddhists).
    -कुटिल a. inwardly crooked (fig. also); fraudulent. (
    -लः) a conch-shell.
    -कृ(क्रि)मिः a disease of worms in the body.
    -कोटरपुष्पी = अण्ड- कोटरपुष्पी.
    -कोपः 1 internal disturbance; H.3.
    -2 inward wrath, secret anger.
    -कोशम् the interior of a store- room.
    -गङ्गा the secret or hidden Ganges (supposed to communicate uuderground with a secret stream in Mysore).
    -गडु a. [अन्तर्मध्ये गडुरिव] useless, unprofitable, unnecessary, unavailing; किमनेनान्तर्गडुना Sar. S. (ग्रीवाप्रदेश- जातस्य गलमांसपिण्डस्य गडोर्यथा निरर्थकत्वं तद्वत्).
    -गम् -गत &c. See under अंतर्गम्.
    -गर्भ a.
    1 bearing young, pregnant.
    -2 having a गर्भ or inside; so ˚गर्भिन्.
    -गिरम् -रि ind. in mountains. अध्यास्तेन्तर्गिरं यस्मात् करतन्नावैति कारणम् Bk.5.87.
    -गुडवलयः the sphincter muscle.
    -गूढ a. conceal- ed inside, being inward; ˚घनव्यथः U.3.1; R.19.57; ˚विषः with poison concealed in the heart.
    -गृहम्, -गेहम्, -भवनम् [अन्तःस्थं गृहम् &c.]
    1 the inner apartment of a house, the interior of a house.
    -2 N. of a holy place in Benares; पञ्चक्रोश्यां कृतं पापमन्तर्गेहे विनश्यति.
    -घणः -णम् [अन्तर्हन्यते क्रोडीभवत्यस्मिन्, निपातः] the open space before the house between the entrance-door and the house (= porch or court); तस्मिन्नन्तर्घणे पश्यन् प्रघाणे सौधसद्मनः Bk.7.62 द्वारमतिक्रम्य यः सावकाशप्रदेशः सो$न्तर्घणः). (
    -नः -णः) N. of a country of Bāhīka (or Bālhīka) (P.III.3.78 बाहीकग्रामविशेषस्य संज्ञेयम् Sk.).
    -घातः striking in the middle Kāsi. on P.III.3.78.
    -चर a. pervading the body. internally situated, internal, inward अन्तश्चराणां मरुतां निरोधात् Ku.3.48; U.7.
    - a. born or bred in the interior (as a worm &c.).
    -जठरम् the stomach. (ind.) in the stomach.
    -जम्भः the inner part of the jaws (खादनस्थानं जम्भः, दन्तपङ्क्त्यो- रन्तरालम्).
    -जात a. inborn, innate.
    -जानु ind. between the knees.
    -जानुशयः One sleeping with hands between the knees; अन्तर्जानुशयो यस्तु भुञ्जते सक्तभाजनः Mb.3.2.75.
    -ज्ञानम् inward or secret knowledge.
    -ज्योतिस् a. enlightened inwardly, with an enlightened soul. यो$न्तःसुखो$न्तरारामस्तथान्तर्ज्योतिरेव यः Bg.5.24. (
    -स् n.) the inward light, light of Brahman.
    -ज्वलनम् inflammation. (
    -नः) inward heat or fire; mental anxiety.
    -ताप a. burning inwardly (
    -पः) internal fever or heat Ś.3.13.
    -दधनम् [अन्तर्दध्यते आधीयते मादकतानेन] distillation of spirituous liquor, or a substance used to produce fermentation.
    -दशा a term in astrology, the time when a particular planet exercises its influence over man's destiny (ज्योतिषोक्तः महादशान्तर्गतो ग्रहाणां स्वाधिपत्यकालभेदः).
    -दशाहम् an interval of 1 days; ˚हात् before 1 days. Ms.8.222; ˚हे 5.79.
    -दहनम् -दाहः 1 inward heat; ज्वलयति तनूमन्तर्दाहः U.3.31; ˚हेन दहनः सन्तापयति राघवम् Rām.
    -2 inflammation.
    -दुःख a. sad or afflicted at heart;
    -दुष्ट a. internally bad, wicked or base at heart.
    -दृष्टिः f. examining one's own soul, insight into oneself.
    -देशः an intermediate region of the compass.
    -द्वारम् private or secret door within the house (प्रकोष्ठद्वारम्).
    -धा-धि, -हित &c. See. s. v.
    -नगरम् the palace of a king (being inside the town); cf. ˚पुरम्; दशाननान्तर्नगरं ददर्श Rām.
    -निवेशनम् inner part of the house; यथा चारोपितो वृक्षो जातश्चान्तर्निवेशने Rām.6.128.6.
    -निहित a. being concealed within; अङ्गैरन्तर्निहितवचनैः सूचितः सम्यगर्थः M.2.8.
    -निष्ठ a. engaged in internal meditation.
    -पटः, -टम् a screen of cloth held between two persons who are to be united (as a bride and bridegroom, or pupil and preceptor) until the acctual time of union arrives.
    -पथ a. Ved. being on the way.
    -पदम् ind. in the interior of an inflected word.
    -पदवी = सुषुम्णामध्यगतः पन्थाः
    -पिरधानम् the innermost garment.
    -पर्शव्य a. being between the ribs (as flesh).
    -पवित्रः the Soma when in the straining vessel.
    -पशुः [अन्तर्गाममध्ये पशवो यत्र] the time when the cattle are in the village or stables (from sunset to sunrise); अन्तःपशौ पशुकामस्य सायं प्रातः Kāty; (सायं पशुषु ग्राममध्ये आगतेषु प्रातश्च ग्रामादनिःसृतेषु com.).
    -पातः, पात्यः 1 insertion of a letter (in Gram.).
    -2 a post fixed in the middle of the sacrificial ground (used in ritual works); अन्तःपूर्वेण यूपं परीत्यान्तःपात्यदेशे स्थापयति Kāty.
    -पातित, -पातिन् a.
    1 inserted.
    -2 included or comprised in; falling within; दण्डकारण्य˚ ति आश्रमपदम् K.2.
    -पात्रम् Ved. interior of a vessel.
    -पालः one who watches over the inner apartments of a palace.
    -पुरम् [अन्तः अभ्यन्तरं पुरं गृहम्, or पुरस्यान्तःस्थितम्]
    1 inner apartment of a palace (set apart for women); female or women's apartments, seraglio, harem (so called from their being situated in the heart of the town, for purposes of safety); व्यायम्याप्लुत्य मध्याह्ने भोक्तुमन्तःपुरं विशेत् Ms.7.216,221,224; कन्यान्तःपुरे कश्चित्प्रविशति Pt.1.
    -2 inmates of the female apartments, a queen or queens, the ladies taken collectively; अन्तःपुराणि सर्वाणि रुदमानानि सत्वरम् Rām.6.111.111. ˚विरहपर्युत्सुकस्य राजर्षेः Ś.3; K.58; ततो राजा सान्तःपुरः स्वगृह- मानीयाभ्यर्चितः Pt.1; कस्यचिद्राज्ञो$न्तःपुरं जलक्रीडां कुरुते ibid. ˚प्रचारः gossip of the harem Ms.7.153; ˚समागतः Ś.4; also in pl.; कदाचिदस्मत्प्रार्थनामन्तःपुरेभ्यः कथयेत् Ś.2.; न ददाति वाचमुचितामन्तःपुरेभ्यो यदा Ś.6.5. ˚जन women of the palace; inmates of the female apartments; ˚चर,
    -अध्यक्षः-रक्षकः, -वर्ती guardian or superintendent of the harem, chamber- lain; वृद्धः कुलोद्रतः शक्तः पितृपैतामहः शुचिः । राज्ञामन्तःपुरा- ध्यक्षो विनीतश्च तथेष्यते ॥ (of these five sorts are mentioned:- वामनक, जघन्य, कुब्ज, मण्डलक and सामिन् see Bṛi. S.) ˚सहायः one belonging to the harem.
    -पुरिकः [अन्तःपुरे नियुक्तः, ठक्] a chamberlain = ˚चर. (
    -कः, -का) a woman in the harem; अस्मत्प्रार्थनामन्तःपुरिके(का) भ्यो निवेदय Chaṇḍ. K.
    -पुष्पम् [कर्म.] the menstrual matter of women, before it re- gularly begins to flow every month; वर्षद्वादशकादूर्ध्वं यदि पुष्पं बहिर्न हि । अन्तःपुष्पं भवत्येव पनसोदुम्बरादिवत् Kāśyapa; ˚ष्पम् is therefore the age between 12 and the menstruation period.
    -पूय a. ulcerous.
    -पेयम् Ved. drinking up.
    -प्रकृतिः f.
    1 the internal nature or constitution of man.
    -2 the ministry or body of ministers of a king.
    -3 heart or soul. ˚प्रकोपः internal dissensions or disaffection; अणुरप्युपहन्ति विग्रहः प्रभुमन्तःप्रकृतिप्रकोपजः Ki.2.51.
    -प्रको- पनम् sowing internal dissensions, causing internal revolts; अन्तःप्रकोपनं कार्यमभियोक्तुः स्थिरात्मनः H.3.93.
    -प्रज्ञ a. knowing oneself, with an enlightened soul.
    -प्रतिष्ठानम् residence in the interior.
    -बाष्प a.
    1 with suppressed tears; अन्तर्बाष्पश्चिरमनुचरो राजराजस्य दध्यौ Me.3.
    -2 with tears gushing up inside, bedimmed with tears; कोपात्˚ ष्पे स्मरयति मां लोचने तस्याः V.4.15. (
    -ष्पः) suppressed tears, inward tears; निगृह्य ˚ष्पम् Bh.3.6; Māl.5.
    -भावः, भावना see under अन्तर्भू separately.
    -भिन्न a. split or broken inside, perforated, bored (said of a pearl) Pt.4 (also torn by dissensions).
    -भूमिः f. interior of the earth.
    -भेदः discord, internal dissensions; ˚जर्जरं राजकुलम् Mk.4 torn by internal dissensions; अन्तर्भेदाकुलं गेहं न चिराद्विनशिष्यति 'a house divided against itself cannot stand long.'
    -भौम a. subterranean, underground.
    -मदावस्थ a. having the rutting state concealed within; आसीदनाविष्कृतदानराजि- रन्तर्मदावस्थ इव द्विपेन्द्रः R.2.7.
    -मनस् a.
    1 sad, disconso- late, dejected, distracted.
    -2 one who has concentrated and turned his mind inward, lost in abstract meditation.
    -मुख a. (
    -खी f.)
    1 going into the mouth, pointing or turned inward; प्रचण्डपरिपिण्डितः स्तिमितवृत्तिरन्तर्मुखः Mv. 5.26.
    -2 having an inward entrance of opening (बाह्यवस्तुपरिहारेण परमात्मविषयकतया प्रवेशयुक्तं चित्तादि).
    -3 an epithet of the soul called प्राज्ञ, when it is enjoying the sweet bliss of sleep (आनन्दभुक् चेतोमुखः प्राज्ञः इति श्रुतेः).
    -4 Spiritual minded, looking inwardly into the soul; 'अन्तर्मुखाः सततमात्मविदो महान्तः' Viś. Guṇā.139. (
    -खम्) a sort of surgical scissors (having an opening inside), one of the 2 instruments mentioned by Suśruta in chapter 8 of Sūtrasthāna.
    -मातृका [अन्तःस्थाः ष़ट्चक्रस्थाः मातृकाः अकारादिवर्णाः] a name given in the Tantras for the letters of the alphabet assigned to the six lotuses (पद्म) of the body; ˚न्यासः a term used in Tantra literature for the mental assignment of the seve- ral letters of the alphabet to the different parts of the body.
    -मुद्र a. sealed inside; N. of a form of devotion.
    -मृत a. still-born.
    -यागः mental sacrifice or worship, a mode of worship referred to in the Tantras.
    -यामः 1 suppression of the breath and voice.
    -2 ˚पात्रम्, a sacrificial vessel (ग्रहरूपं सामापराख्यं यज्ञियपात्रम्); according to others, a Soma libation made during the suppression of breath and voice; सुहवा सूर्यायान्तर्याममनु- मन्त्रयेत् Ait. Br.
    -यामिन् m.
    1 regulating the soul or internal feelings, soul; Providence, Supreme Spirit as guiding and regulating mankind. Brahman; (according to the Bṛi. Ār. Up. अन्तर्यामिन 'the internal check' is the Supreme Being and not the individual soul; who standing in the earth is other than the earth, whom the earth knows not, whose body the earth is, who internally restrains and governs the earth; the same is thy soul (and mine, the internal check अन्तर्यामिन्, &c. &c.); अन्तराविश्य भूतानि यो बिभर्त्यात्मकेतुभिः । अन्तर्या- मीश्वरः साक्षाद्भवेत् &c.
    -2 wind; ˚ब्राह्मणम् N. of a Brāhmaṇa included in the Bṛi. Ār. Up.
    -योगः deep meditation, abstraction
    -लम्ब a. acute-angular. (
    -बः) an acute-angled triangle (opp. बहिर्लम्ब) (the perpendicular from the vertex or लम्ब falling within अन्तर् the triangle).
    -लीन a.
    1 latent, hidden, concealed inside; ˚नस्य दुःखाग्नेः U.3.9; ˚भुजङ्गमम् Pt.1.
    -2 inherent.
    -लोम a. (P.V.4.117) covered with hair on the inside; (
    -मम्) [अन्तर्गतमाज्छाद्यं लोम अच्] the hair to be covered.
    -वंशः = ˚पुरम् q. v.
    -वंशिकः, -वासिकः [अन्तर्वंशे वासे नियुक्तः ठक्] a superintendent of the women's apartment.; Pt.3, K.93. Ak.2.8.8.
    -वण (वन) a. situated in a forest; ˚णो देशः P.VI.2.179 Sk. (
    -णम्) ind. within a forest. P.VIII.4.5.
    -वत् a. being in the interior; having something in the interior.
    -वती (वत्नी) Ved. [अन्तरस्त्यस्यां गर्भः] a pregnant woman; अन्तर्वत्नी प्रजावती R.15.13.
    -वमिः [अन्तः स्थित एव उद्गारशब्दं कारयति, वम्-इन्] indigestion, flatulence; belching.
    -वर्तिन्, -वासिन् a. being or dwelling inside, included or comprised in
    -वसुः N. of a Soma sacrifice (for राज्यकाम and पशुकाम).
    -वस्त्रम्, -वासस् n. an under- garment; गृहीत्वा तत्र तस्यान्तर्वस्त्राण्याभरणानि च । चेलखण्डं तमेकं च दत्वान्तर्वाससः कृते ॥. Ks.4.52.
    -वा a. [अन्तः अन्तरङ्गभावं अन्तःकरणं वा वाति गच्छति स्निग्धत्वेन, वा-विच् Tv.] forming part of oneself such as children, cattle &c. ˚वत् a. (अस्त्यर्थे मतुप् मस्य वः) having progeny, cattle &c; अन्तर्वावत्क्षयं दधे Rv.1.4.7; abounding with precious things inside. -adv. inwardly.
    -वाणि a. [अन्तःस्थिता शास्त्रवाक्यात्मिका वाणी यस्य] skilled or versed in scriptures, very learned (शास्त्रविद्).
    -विगाहः, -हनम् entering within, penetration.
    -विद्वस् a. Ved. (
    विदुषी f.) knowing correctly or exactly (knowing the paths between heaven and earth) Rv.1.72.7.
    -वेगः inward uneasiness or anxiety, inward fever.
    -वेदि a. pertaining to the inside of the sacrificial ground. -adv. within this ground. (
    -दिः -दी f.) [अन्तर्गता वेदिर्यत्र देशे] the tract of land (the Doab) between the rivers Gaṅgā and Yamunā, regarded as a sacred region and the principal seat of Āryan Brāhmaṇas; cf. एते भगवत्यौ भूमिदेवानां मूलमायतनमन्तर्वेदिपूर्वेण कलिन्दकन्यामन्दाकिन्यौ संगच्छेते A.R.7; it is supposed to have extended from Prayāga to Haradvāra and is also known by the names of शशस्थली and ब्रह्मावर्त. -m. (pl.) inhabitants of this land.
    -वेश्मन् n. the inner apartments, interior of a house.
    -वेश्मिकः n. a chamberlain.
    -वैशिकः Officer in charge of the harem. समुद्रमुपकरणमन्तर्वैशिकहस्तादादाय परिचरेयुः Kau. A.1.21.
    -शरः internal arrow or disease.
    -शरीरम् internal and spiritual part of man; the interior of the body.
    -शल्य a. having in the interior an arrow, pin or any such extraneous matter; rankling inside.
    -शीला N. of a river rising from the Vindhya mountain.
    -श्लेषः, -श्लेषणम् Ved. internal support (scaffolding &c.) एतानि ह वै वेदानामन्तः- श्लेषणानि यदेता व्याहृतयः Ait. Br.
    -संज्ञ a. inwardly con- scious (said of trees &c.); ˚ज्ञा भवन्त्येते सुखदुःखसमन्विताः Ms.1.49.
    -सत्त्व a. having inward strength &c. (˚
    1 a pregnant woman.
    -2 the marking nut.
    -सन्तापः internal pain, sorrow, regret.
    - सरल a. upright at heart, or having Sarala trees inside; K.51.
    -सलिल a. with water (flowing) underground; नदीमिवान्तःसलिलां सरस्वतीम् R.3.9.
    -सार a. having inward strength and vigour, full of strong inside; powerful, strong, heavy or ponderous; ˚रैर्मन्त्रिभिर्घार्यते राज्यं सुस्तम्भैरिव मन्दिरम् Pt.1. 126; साराणि इन्धनानि Dk.132; ˚रं घन तुलयितुं नानिलः शक्ष्यति त्वाम् Me.2. (
    -रः) internal treasure or store, inner store or contents; वमन्त्युच्चैरन्तःसारम् H.2.13 internal matter or essence (and pus).
    -सुख a. whose delight is in self, inwardly happy यो$न्तःसुखो$न्तरारामः Bg. 5.24
    -सेनम् ind. into the midst of armies.
    -स्थ a. (also written अन्तःस्थ) being between or in the midst. (
    -स्थः, -स्था) a term applied to the semivowels, य्, र्, ल्, व् as standing between vowels and consonants and being formed by a slight contact of the vocal organs (ईषत्स्पृष्टं अन्तस्थानाम्); or they are so called be- cause they stand between स्पर्श (क-म) letters and ऊष्मन् (श, ष, स, ह).
    -स्था 1 a deity of the vital organs.
    -2 N. of one of the Ṛigveda hymns. ˚मुद्गरः the malleus of the ear.
    -स्वेदः [अन्तः स्वेदो मदजलस्यन्दनं यस्य] an elephant (in rut).
    -हणनम् striking in the middle.
    -हननम् N. of a country बाहीक P.VIII.4.24 Sk.
    -हस्तम् ind. in the hand, within reach of the hand.
    -हस्तीन a. being in the hand or within reach of the hand.
    -हासः laughing inwardly (in the sleeves), a secret or suppressed laugh; सान्तर्हासं कथितम् Me.113 with a suppressed laugh, with a gentle smile.
    -हृदयम् the interior of the heart.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अन्तर् _antar

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